Addiction Recovery Treatment – Steps to Recovery

The treatment program for addiction rehabilitation is one of the most important parts of gaining sobriety and recovering for those struggling with drugs or alcohol.

But for many sufferers, just beginning the search for help, the process of rehabilitation can be intimidating for a number of reasons. Some may have a skewed view of what actually goes on inside rehab center. Others may have failed in past stints in their sobriety. Whatever the reasons, those seeking help with addiction recovery treatment must know that the help offered at addiction rehab facilities are the building blocks for a future of sobriety and continuing recovery.

The Steps to Recovery

The following steps are just a brief description of the three primary processes that occur in almost every drug and rehabilitation center in the United States. While the philosophy and modality of each facility might differ, it’s by overwhelming understanding that these three steps are the foundation for which healing and early sobriety take place.

Drug Detox and Alcohol Detox

The first stage of recovery is detoxification or clearing the body of drugs or alcohol. It’s imperative that detoxing is done in the care of medical professionals because if attempted on your own it can be dangerous to your system. The detoxing team of medical professionals is responsible for caring for the individual through withdrawal symptoms that occur during detoxification. While not usually life threatening, withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable for the individual thus possibly leading to relapse. for these reasons, the support of a professional staff is so important for the stage of detox.

Therapy and Counseling

The psychological aspect of the recovery process is the next stage of recovery. Through private counseling, one-on-one therapy and group meetings with other recovering addicts can certain triggers and issues be addressed. This is also the stage that family counseling can take place so not only is the individual being helped but his/her family is learning how to properly coup and prepare for support during the recovery process. What all of these counseling options have in common is addressing the needs of the individual and family so that future plans can be put into place on how to deal with addiction and its triggers throughout the life of sobriety and recovery.


This is the stage that takes place after the initial rehab program is over. Individuals learn how to take the program with them and use it, either through 12-Step meetings, addiction therapy at the given facility or possibly time spent at a sober living home. This provides the tools and education for dealing with sobriety working on your recovery outside of a recovery facility.

How much time will one need in rehabilitation?

Times vary depending on the individual but a rule of thumb is anywhere from one to three months. But rehabilitation might last longer for those with a history of relapse or self-harm behavior. It’s important to consult with the treatment center for more approximate times and a full explanation of what the individual’s program will consist of.

How long does Aftercare programs last?

While it would be wonderful if there was a cure or silver bullet for drug and alcohol addiction, there is none. No one truly recovers or is completely recovered from their disease of alcoholism or drug addiction. That’s why a well planned and thought out aftercare program needs to be constructed for every individual suffering from addiction. It’s what the individual can bring out into the “real world” that will better help them have the tools to remain sober for years to come. Aftercare programs like 12-Step programs and other group functions will provide the individual with the necessary tools to deal with life on life’s terms.

If you or your beloved teenager is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction First Step To Freedom can help with addiction recovery treatment. Please call 888-415-8810 today!